Monday, March 16, 2009

McPIFP Goal for Week #11

Goal: Go Green!!

So in lieu of St. Patty's Day.... this week's goal is to go GREEN!!!
Examples: choose an item to start recycling (most trash companies have the option of picking up your recycleables for a small extra charge); or you can carpool for the week or even better, maybe walk or ride your bike (if you live someplace that you're able to do this); buy products made of recycled paper; use cloth bags for shopping vs. plastic/paper bags; don't buy aresols; find out how to properly dispose of hazardous waste; make scratch pads out of used computer paper vs. throwing them away; plant a tree; don't throw away batteries.. instead take them to your local hazardous waste site; turn off the lights and close the refrigerator door immediately after use.
Happy St. Patty's Day! Have a good week!

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