Tuesday, June 9, 2009

McPIFP Goal for Week #20

Goal: Volunteer!

This week's goal is to find some time to volunteer anywhere and with anyone! This doesn't neccessarily have to be at a charitable organization... this can also be volunteering your time to a friend in need.

Here are some more examples: volunteer at your church's Vacation Bible School (this is the one I'm doing!) to help set up and work with the kiddos; help a friend/family move; visit a nursing home to chat with some of the residents; free babysitting for friends/family; help out at your local homeless shelter in serving them food; and/or volunteer your time at local animal shelters (if you can manage this one, then God bless you! Some of us have panic attacks simply being near an animal shelter.... ... Me!), etc, etc.

I'm sure most of you already know a way to volunteer your time.... it can be anything, afterall.... volunteering just simply means, "offering one's service". How can you offer your service this week? How can you make a small, but meaningful difference in someone's life?

Love & Blessings to you all! =)

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